For advertisers
SpaceBillboard sells advertisement space on a billboard that will be launched into space on board of a satellite. This will be the first advertisement platform ever to pass the boundary of space. The revenues of this project will be used to sponsor space research at the University of Leuven. But this is not just charity. This unique story will go around the world as well. Read on to see what's in it for our sponsors.
Submissions were closed on July 1st 2015.
We're getting the billboard ready for the launch now!
SpaceBillboard, superlative advertising
Once the billboard is in orbit, it will be a billboard of firsts and extremes:
The first
The billboard on board of a CubeSat will be the first in space.
The highest
The billboard will orbit the Earth at an altitude of 500 km or 310 mi. That's about 1543 Eiffel towers and 130km above the ISS.
The furthest
The billboard will go around the world in 90 minutes and cover a total distance of 660,000 km/day or 410,000 mi/day. That's about 15,600 marathons each day. Every day again.
The fastest
The billboard will orbit the Earth at a speed of 27,400 km/h or 17,030 mph. That's 72 times the top speed of a F1 car and 22 times the speed of a bullet.
What’s in it for you?
1. Global visibility
A lot of visitors...
The SpaceBillboard project is coupled with an extensive media campaign. We use professional PR services to reach a large audience through both conventional as social media.
...who pay attention to your ad.
The campaign will inform people about our project and bring them to our website, where the billboard with your ad will be clearly visible. As opposed to conventional on-line advertisements, the billboard is the most important content of our website and gets a very prominent and visible place.
2. Digital advertising
On-line and engaging
People increasingly spend time on-line. It is therefore important for companies to connect with their customers on-line. By advertising on SpaceBillboard, you engage in an innovative way to reach your consumer on-line. Visitors who are interested in your ad can immediately click through to your company website or a webpage you have set up specifically for this project.
Social media
Our media campaign also has a very strong social media aspect. Advertising on our billboard could very well create a buzz around your company on social media.
3. Marketing first
SpaceBillboard is a marketing first in many ways. Odds are that people will remember it and refer to it in years to come, especially when new kinds of space marketing pop up. And the good news? They will still be able to see that you advertised on it, because our site will remain on-line for at least 10 years.
4. Support innovation
By advertising on the billboard, you help space research to advance further. More precisely, the revenues of SpaceBillboard will be used to support the research on CubeSats. These small satellites offer tremendous opportunities in the adventurous field of space research.
5. Low cost and effort
Low cost
SpaceBillboard is a unique project that will last for at least a decade, but we still choose to keep the cost low.
Sit back and relax
Setting up a marketing campaign can take a lot of money and manpower, but advertising on the SpaceBillboard is almost effortless. All you need to do is select an image you would like on the Billboard and a link that viewers go to when they click your ad. You can of course put in more effort and build your own campaign around your space endeavors.
The Campaign
Conventional Media Campaign
Press releases
Using professional PR services, SpaceBillboard will be brought into the attention of the media by sending out press releases to magazines, newspapers, television channels, radio channels and blogs. This way, we will maximize the outreach and impact of our campaign. Press releases will be sent out in various stages of the project, such as the start of the project, the launch of the satellite, etc. Check out the press coverage page for an overview of what we have achieved so far.
This project will soar. Period.
Because of the novelty of this project, these press releases are sure to be published and receive a lot of attention. Space projects such as Felix Baumgartner’s skydiving and the Mars One project inspire people and spark the imagination. The first billboard in space will draw the curiosity and draw viewers to our site and your advertisement.
A story of many angles.
An important advantage of our story is that it has multiple interesting angles, making it interesting for media catering to different audiences, ranging from technical and scientific media, over mainstream media to economic and entrepreneurial media.

Social Media Campaign: win a trip to the launch!
Users of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ can win a trip to the launch. This way, more people get to know about our project and we create a word-of-mouth campaign.
Why support CubeSat research?
With SpaceBillboard, we want to support CubeSat research. Why? Well, because of the many advantages CubeSats offer us and we strongly believe that this research deserves more attention and funding. Read all about CubeSats on Our Mission.
How does it work?
The procedure
To get your advertisement on SpaceBillboard, you can select your preferred squares on the billboard or go to the Buy squares page. Every square is 30x30 px large with 4px between squares. On the contact form, you provide us with your information, after which we will contact you as soon as possible. In the end, we need the following from you:
- The image you want to put on the billboard and which will go in space.
- A link to which visitors will be guided if they click your advertisement.
- A message that will be displayed, together with your ad, in the ‘featured sponsor’ square.
Once the contract is signed and we have received your initial payment, your advertisement is part of the first billboard in space!
Positioning on the billboard
Your advertisement will be added to the billboard on the positions as indicated at the start of the procedure. However, it can be the case that multiple parties opt for the same square. In this case, the first party of which we receive payment gets the square. The other parties will be notified and will be given the opportunity to choose another position.
In order to get an optimal arrangement of ads, it may be necessary to reposition some ads on the billboard. Of course we will avoid this if not strictly necessary.
Click here to buy squares or click the billboard if you prefer certain squares!.